CST120: Travel

Traveler not Tourist - spotted in a window in Amsterdam image: Renee Middlemost
Traveler not Tourist – spotted in a window in Amsterdam Image: Renee Middlemost

Focus Questions:

– What is the importance of travel? Is it important?

– What is the gaze, and how does it shape our travel encounters?

– How does tourism relate to the notion of departure?

-What is the difference between a traveler and a tourist? What does this say about value judgements?

– According to Boorstin, how has the notion of adventure changed, and how does the ‘pseudo-event’ come about?

– What is the distinction between the authentic and the inauthentic? Is Disneyland a ‘real’ place?



Additional reading:


CST120: Introduction and Australia Day

Australia (A.K.A. Vegemite) by Vincent Brown licensed CCBY2.0

Need help?

Academic writing: https://www.uow.edu.au/student/services/ld/students/index.html

Technology/ Online help: http://www.uow.edu.au/student/services/digitalliteracy/index.html


Australia Day – some useful links:




