#BCM110: Representation and Interpretation


This week’s topic is Representation and Interpretation of texts.

For this week, we will be learning how to decode images using Semiotic theory.


Simple Explanation – Signs, Signifers, Signified

John Oliver – Arbitrary Sign Trump

Bells The Reader Commercial

How images can cause controversy – what meanings might this image have for different audiences?

Ideology Explained

Equinox Campaign – an example of a complex image

ACTIVITY: In pairs, interpret one of these images as a practice for this week’s blog post:

This week’s blogging assignment:

-Locate an example of a complex image

-Discuss the denotation (what is there) and the connotation (what it means)

-Is it possible to read this image in more than one way?

Recommended reading – Semiotics for beginners

Welcome to BCM110 tutorials


Welcome to your first BCM110 tutorial

Unpacking Media Effects Theory: What does media ‘do’ to audiences, rather than what does the audience do with media?


This episode of The Simpsons (where Marge crusades against cartoon violence) is a good example of a satirical rendering of a serious social issue blamed on the media .

This week’s reading is ’10 things wrong with the Media Effects Model’ by David Gauntlett. You can find this on the BCM 110 Moodle site under Week 2.